Principal's Message

As the School year comes to an end, I want to extend a warm gratitude to our students, faculty and staff for another wonderful year of learning and growth. Every day I have the privilege of watching our students overcome new challenges and persevere, as they strive towards their academic goals and career aspirations.

The past year has been full of opportunities for our students to build on their knowledge - with more extracurricular activities and subjects available, taught by our highly skilled faculty team at EMC. We recognize that each student is unique, which is why we prioritize an interactive learning environment and tailored learning plans to ensure student success. Our focus on the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Coding has equipped our students with the necessary skills needed to succeed in whatever path they may choose in the future. 

Aside from academic achievements, we are committed to ensuring our students' wellbeing and happiness while at EMC, so they can truly be learners for life. With each student's future in mind, we are confident that our advanced curriculum will prepare them for the years ahead.

Warm regards,

Marvin Hoti
Toronto Academy of EMC