Tuition and Fees

Program Packages

 We offer 2  full-year program packages: Package A and Package A+. Each of the program packages will allow students to enroll in up to 8 credits courses per academic year. Included in each package are the Tutoring Support and the Summer Enrichment Program. Both packages will prepare students well for post-secondary studies, and in particular, Package A+ will give the students the highest chance of being accepted into most of the major universities in Canada or the United States of America.

Any student who had previously enrolled in Package A+ during each of the final two years of high school (grades 11 and 12) is entitled to retake any credit courses or any IELTS courses that are currently being run at EMC as long as necessary until that the student obtains admission into a university/college of his/her choice.



  • 8 courses/year

Students can enroll in any 8 courses of their approved study plan per academic year.

  • Summer Enrichment Program

Weekly review/enrichment sessions in mathematics, physics and English for 6 weeks during the summer.

  • Tutoring Support

90 hours of tutoring per year, free of charge, in any one or more subjects. Tutoring might be done one to one or in small groups.


100 hours of IELTS preparation for all levels.



  • 8 courses/year

Students can enroll in any 8 courses of their approved study plan per  academic year.

  • Summer Enrichment Program

Every student who is enrolled in a full-year program at our school will be provided with enrichment study sessions in math, physics and English for 6 weeks during the summer.

  • Tutoring Support

60 hours of tutoring per year, free of charge,  in any one or more subjects. Tutoring might be done one to one or in small groups.


In addition to the tuition fees for the two Program Packages, there are several additional fees. Some of the fees listed in the table below are optional and such fees are indicated by an **.