IB Diploma Programme

Effective March 28 2024, Toronto Academy of EMC is an IB WORLD SHOOL for the DIPLOMA PROGRAMME. 

IB World Schools share a common philosophy - a commitment to high-quality, challenging, international education- that we believe is important for our students.

The IB Diploma Programme (IB Program, or simply IB) is a two-year pre-university course of studies that leads to a qualification that is recognized by universities and colleges in 150 countries, including those in Ontario and across Canada, as a mark of academic excellence. 

Our dedicated faculty, consisting of highly dynamic and knowledgeable educators, bring their expertise and passion for teaching to the classroom, providing students with the tools they need to succeed in the program. In addition, our teaching philosophy places a strong emphasis on the development of critical thinking skills, which are essential for success in the IB and beyond. With this unique combination of talented teachers, a focus on critical thinking, and a commitment to student success, Toronto Academy of EMC provides an optimal environment for students to flourish and achieve their goals in the IB.





The IB Program at EMC



  • The curriculum consists of six subject areas: Studies in Language and Literature, Language Acquisition, Individuals and Societies, Science, Mathematics, and  Arts. 

  • Students in our IB Program will be taking a total of six courses concurrently, one from each of the six subject areas. These courses are to be completed over a continuous period of approximately 18 months.

  • Among these six courses, three are at the High Level (HL) and the remaining three are at the Standard Level (SL). An HL course consists of 240 hours of instruction and an SL course consists of 150 hours of instruction.

  • At the end of the 18-month period, students will have to write the external exams for each of the six courses. These external exams are prepared by IB and every student who are taking the same course will write the same exam. 
  • In addition to the six courses mentioned, students will also be required to complete the Core Component of the IB Program: Theory of Knowledge (240 hours of coursework), CAS (extracurricular projects to be chosen by the students, in conslutation with faculty members), and Extended Essay (a 4000-word research essay on a topic of the student's choice).
  • Our curriculum at EMC has been designed to allow students to earn both IB Diploma and the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) simultaneously.



Benefits of the IB Program


The IB Program offers several benefits to students:

  1. Global Perspective: Encourages students to think critically and consider global issues from multiple perspectives, fostering an understanding of international affairs and multiculturalism.

  2. Rigorous Curriculum: Academically challenging, offering a comprehensive curriculum that emphasizes critical thinking, research skills, and independent inquiry. This rigorous academic preparation often prepares students well for higher education.

  3. Holistic Education: Promotes a holistic approach to education. It encourages the development of the whole person by incorporating creativity, physical activity, and service learning alongside academics.

  4. Preparation for University: The IB Program is widely recognized by universities around the world for its academic rigor and holistic approach. Many universities offer recognition and/or credit for IB courses, and IB Diploma holders often find themselves well-prepared for the demands of higher education.

  5. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Through its emphasis on inquiry-based learning and the development of critical thinking skills, the IB Program equips students with the ability to analyze complex problems, evaluate evidence, and formulate reasoned arguments.

  6. Cultural Awareness: With its international focus and emphasis on intercultural understanding, students develop a greater appreciation for different cultures and perspectives, fostering tolerance and global citizenship.

  7. Preparation for Careers: The skills and attributes developed through the IB Program —such as critical thinking, research skills, and communication skills—are highly valued by employers across various industries. IB Diploma holders often find themselves well-equipped for success in their chosen careers.

  8. Emphasis on Creativity and Innovation: Encourages students to be creative and innovative in their thinking, fostering an entrepreneurial mindset and preparing them to contribute positively to an ever-changing world.

  9. Community Service and Social Responsibility: Through the Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) component, students engage in community service and other activities that promote social responsibility and personal growth, helping them develop a sense of empathy and a commitment to making a positive difference in the world.

  10. Personal Development: The IB Program challenges students to push beyond their comfort zones, fostering resilience, perseverance, and self-discipline. It provides opportunities for personal growth and development that extend beyond academic achievement.