Program Overview

The Ontario Integrated Program is a collaborative educational initiative merging distinctive subjects from the Ontario curriculum with those mandated by the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam (MOET). This program endeavors to furnish students from grade 6 to grade 12 with a comprehensive and diversified learning journey, leveraging the strengths of both education systems.

To implement this program, Toronto Academy of EMC is very pleased to partner with Viet Anh 3 Primary, Secondary, and High School, the pioneering institution in Binh Duong (Vietnam).

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The most novel component of the Ontario Integrated Program is the OSSD Program (Ontario Secondary School Diploma Program), leading to the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).

The OSSD offers students a distinct advantage, opening myriad avenues for pursuing further education at renowned institutions in Canada or internationally.

All subjects belonging to the Ontario curriculum will be taught exclusively in English by teachers who are carefully chosen and overseen by the Toronto Academy of EMC.

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In addition, students will also meet the criteria of the Vietnamese Middle School and High School programs, including examinations, culminating in the attainment of the Vietnamese National High School Diploma.

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  1. Official credentials from the Ontario province: Upon program completion, students will be awarded the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). The learning and graduation process of OSSD for students enrolled in the Ontario Integrated Program in Binh Duong is equivalent to that of students studying in Ontario.
  2. Globally recognized: Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) is equivalent to international academic certificates and is recognized worldwide. It is the "golden ticket" for students to have the opportunity to enter prestigious universities: Students increase their chances of being admitted to top universities around the world in Australia, the UK, the US, Canada... as well as leading universities in Vietnam. Below is a list of top universities in various countries that accept the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) for admission:

Canada: University of Toronto, McGill University, University of British Columbia (UBC), University of Alberta, Université de Montréal, McMaster University, University of Waterloo, Queen's University, ….

USA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford University, Harvard University, California Institute of Technology, University of Chicago, Princeton University, Cornell University, Yale University,....

United Kingdom: University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, UCL (University College London), Imperial College London, The University of Edinburgh, King’s College London, The University of Manchester, London School of Economics and Political Science, ….

Australia: The Australian National University (ANU), The University of Melbourne, The University of New South Wales (UNSW), The University of Queensland (UQ), The University of Sydney, Monash University, The University of Western Australia (UWA), The University of Adelaide, ….

  1. Credit-based learning approach: Students actively shape their learning journey by selecting from a range of credits, including 19 compulsory credits, 12 elective credits, 40 hours of community service, and the OSSLT standard test.
  2. Embracing the standard Canadian learning methodology: Students engage in a curriculum akin to their Canadian counterparts, fostering creative thinking and problem-solving abilities.
  1. Immersive English environment: Students cultivate proficiency in high-level English for academic endeavors, research, communication, and professional pursuits.
  1. Canadian study experience: The opportunity to study abroad at the Toronto Academy of EMC in Canada serves as an ideal preparation for adapting to the lifestyle of short-term or long-term study abroad ventures in the future.



  1. Program Curriculum

Students will study both the Ontario curriculum subjects, taught in English by Canadian trained teachers, following the standards and requirements set by the Ontario Ministry of Education, and subjects mandated by the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam (MOET), taught in Vietnamese by teachers from Viet Anh School.

Grade 6 to grade 9 curriculum

Ontario curriculum subjects:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science and Technology
  • Computer Studies (Grade 9)
  • The Arts (Music, Visual Arts)
  • Physical Education

MOET subjects

  • Literature
  • Civic Education
  • Technology
  • Computer Science (Grade 6, 7, 8)
  • History and Geography
  • Experiential and Career Guidance Activities
  • Local Educational Content
  • Elective Subjects, and Activities.

Grade 10 to grade 12 curriculum

Ontario curriculum subjects:

  • Mathematics
  • English
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Music
  • Art
  • Physical Education
  • Information and Communication Technology (Grade 10 through Grade 12)
  • Financial Accounting Principles (Grade 11, Grade 12)
  • Introduction to Business (Grade 12).

MOET subjects

  • Literature
  • History
  • National Defense and Security Education
  • Local Education Content
  • Experiential Activities
  • Career Orientation
  • 03 Specialized Study Modules (3 subjects).

MOET compulsory elective subjects: Students choose 4 subjects from the following options: Geography, Economics and Law Education, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Technology, Informatics, Music, Fine Arts. If the elective subject overlaps with an Ontario Integrated Program subject, students will only study the latter.

  • Program Director: Dr. Marvin Hoti
  • The Vice Program Director: Mr. Christopher Chow, currently a PhD candidate.
  • Teaching staff for the Ontario curriculum: Consists of teachers from Canada who hold relevant teaching qualifications and have a minimum of 3 years of teaching experience in Canada or in their home country.
  • Teaching staff for the MOET curriculum: Consists of highly skilled educators who have received formal training both domestically and internationally. They possess strong pedagogical skills and proficient English abilities to ensure bilingual instruction.
  • Academic Board for Scientific Research and Pedagogy: The Academic Board for Scientific Research and Pedagogy at Viet Anh school system is responsible for researching, developing educational programs, training, and nurturing a team of teachers for various grades and subjects.
  • The Board of Directors at Toronto Academy of EMC: The Board of Directors at Toronto Academy of EMC in Canada comprises of professors, PhD, and PhD candidates who are currently teaching at universities in Toronto, Canada.

Spread across an area of over 20,000 square meters, the campus harmoniously combines Gothic and modern architecture with lush greenery, meeting international educational standards. The spacious classrooms are fully equipped, providing students with opportunities for research, design, creativity, collaboration, communication, and learning.

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Functional rooms enhance educational and recreational activities for students:

  • Multi-purpose sports ground with roofing.
  • Outdoor basketball court.
  • Professional football field.
  • Modern swimming pool ensuring physical fitness activities.
  • The open-concept library features a diverse collection of books, serving as a creative hub.
  • The STEAM room transforms ideas in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics into reality, inspiring creativity among students.
  • The Psychological Counseling Room is staffed with experts who are always available to assist students with their psychological well-being, stabilize their emotions to enhance learning, and actively acquire knowledge and experience to develop emotional intelligence.
  • The canteen is constantly improved to serve all students, providing a nutritious, safe, and delicious dining experience.
  • The Music Room is soundproofed and equipped with various musical instruments to help students practice music.
  • The Gymnasium features modern equipment and a highly skilled team of teachers to help students exercise and enhance their health.
  • The Music Studio meets all teaching and practical requirements, enriching the learning experience and helping students maximize their potential.
  • The movie room serves to diversify learning activities within the school.

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